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Broadcast Stats

View detailed reporting of every email and broadcast that you have sent. The reporting includes open/click tracking, geo-information, graphical stats, delivery information, logs, and more.

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Schedule LabelFriendly name that you set while scheduling the broadcast
Scheduled ByPerson/user who has scheduled the broadcast
BroadcastThe broadcast template that was sent to the audience of this broadcast
AudienceContact lists or the segment to which the broadcast was sent
Start TimeDate/time when this broadcast was started
ContactsNumber of contacts involved in the selected audience
SentNumber of emails that have been sent so far
SkippedThe recipients that were skipped during the scheduling process for some reason
i.e. unsubscribed, suppressed, inactive, hard bounced, spammed
OpenedNumber of HTML email openings
ClickedNumber of clicks on the hyperlinks inside email content
UnsubscribedRecipients who have opted-out from receiving any further emails from your side
DetailsClick here to view an advanced summary and stats of the broadcast

Detailed Statistics

View advanced statistics of the individual broadcast/campaign and track the engagements of your audience. Click on the stats icon  to view detailed statistics


Schedule LabelFriendly name that you set while scheduling the broadcast
Scheduled ByPerson/user who has scheduled the broadcast
AudienceContact lists or the segment to which the broadcast was sent
BroadcastsThe broadcast template that was sent to the audience of this broadcast
Sending NodesSending Nodes that were used to send this broadcast
Time StartedDate/time when this broadcast was started
Time FinishedDate/time when this broadcast was finished
DurationThe time is taken to this broadcast for completion
StatusCurrent status of the scheduled broadcast Starting in: When you schedule a broadcast for later, it shows the time remaining before this broadcast is going to start Preparing: It means Cherub is preparing the broadcast and segmenting the audience to initiate the run Running: The broadcast is running and emails are sending out Paused: The broadcast has been paused manually System-Paused: The broadcast has been paused by the system for some error
Total ContactsTotal number of contacts in the selected audience
SentNumber of emails that have been dispatched so far
SkippedThe recipients that were skipped by the system during the scheduling process
i.e. unsubscribed, suppressed, inactive, hard bounced, spammed
OpenedNumber of HTML email openings
ClickedNumber of clicks on the hyperlinks inside email content
CTRClick-through rate is the percentage of clicks against the number opens
BouncedNumber of emails that were bounced back from the recipient’s server
UnsubscribedPeople who have opted-out from receiving any further email from your side
ThreadsNumber of workers/jobs used for this broadcast
Track OpensIf this broadcast is set to track the opening of HTML emails
Track ClicksIf this broadcast is set to track link clicking
Embed Unsubscribe LinkIf this broadcast is embedding the unsubscribe link forcibly
Scheduled ByPerson/user who has scheduled this broadcast


It displays the tracking info of the recipients who are opening the emails

IDSubscriber ID of the recipient/contact
Email AddressThe email address of the recipient
List/SegmentList or Segment that the recipient belongs to
IP AddressThe IP address of the recipient at the time of email opening
CityCity of the recipient
RegionRegion of the recipient
ZipZip code of the recipient
CountryCountry of the recipient
BrowserThe browser of the recipient from which the email was opened
OSOS of the recipient from which the email was opened
Date/TimeDate/time when the recipient opened the email


It displays the tracking info of the recipients who are clicking on the links inside emails

IDSubscriber ID of the recipient/contact
Email AddressThe email address of the recipient
List / SegmentList or Segment that the recipient belongs to
Link ClickedThe hyperlink in the email content that was clicked
IP AddressThe IP address of the recipient at the time of email opening
CityCity of the recipient
RegionRegion of the recipient
ZipZip code of the recipient
CountryCountry of the recipient
Browser The browser of the recipient from which the email was opened
OSOS of the recipient from which the email was opened
Date / TimeDate/time when the recipient opened the email


Unsubscribes are the people who are opting out from your contact list(s) or segments so they don’t receive any further email from your side. Cherub skips all unsubscribed contacts while preparing the broadcast before sending it.

IDSubscriber ID of the recipient/contact
Email AddressThe email address of the recipient who has unsubscribed
List / SegmentList or Segment that the recipient belongs to
IP AddressThe IP address of the recipient at the time of email opening
CityCity of the recipient
RegionRegion of the recipient
ZipZip code of the recipient
CountryCountry of the recipient
Browser The browser of the recipient from which the email was opened
OSOS of the recipient from which the email was opened
Date / TimeDate/time when the recipient opened the email


The messages which were unable to reach the recipient’s mailboxes are the bounced emails. Cherub gives information for such emails by processing the failed delivery reports.

IDSubscriber ID of the contact
Email AddressThe email address that was unable to receive your message
TypeHard: A hard bounce is an e-mail message that has been returned to the sender because the recipient’s address is invalid. A hard bounced recipient will not be tried again for any further broadcast.

Soft: A soft bounce is an e-mail message that gets as far as the recipient’s mail server but is bounced back undelivered before it gets to the intended recipient. Cherub doesn’t skip soft bounced recipients while sending the process.
Code (Rule id)Bounce code that Cherub fetches from the delivery report
ReasonShort reason for the bounced-back email
DetailsThe detailed description of the failed delivery and resolution suggested by the remote server
Sending NodeThe Sending Node that was used to relay this email
Message IDThe message-id of the email that was sent
Date / TimeDate/time when this email was relayed


This list displays the contacts who have reported you as spam.

IDSubscriber id of the contact
Email AddressThe email address of the contact who complained
Date / TimeDate/time when your email was reported as abuse


It’s important that you have Feedback Loops configured in order to process spam complaints.


View the detailed log of every email going out and deliverability info.

IDSubscriber ID of the contact
Email AddressThe email address of the recipient
ActivityInjected: The message was accepted by the Sending Node
Rejected: The message was rejected by the Sending Node for some reason
Deferred: The message delivery has been delayed by the Sending Node
Delivered: The message has been delivered to the recipient
Opened: The recipient has opened the email
Clicked: The recipient has clicked on a link inside the email
Soft Bounced: The delivery has been failed temporarily for some reason
Hard Bounced: The delivery has been permanently failed
Spammed: The recipient has reported the email as spam
Unsubscribed: The recipient has opted out from your list to avoid receiving any further email from your side
StatusThe message is ready and waiting to be sent
Sent: The message has been sent to the Sending Node
Skipped: The recipient has been skipped during preparation
Sending NodeThe Sending Node that was responsible for the message delivery
Message-IDMessage-ID of the email
Create atDate/time when the message was pushed to the Sending Node for delivery
Last ActivityLast recorded activity of the recipient

A / B

Find the best performing contact list, sending node, or even broadcast by looking into A/B stats. It gives you a breakup of stats based on the performance of the individual assets.


  • By Contact Lists: View the engagement of individual Contact Lists
  • By Broadcasts: View the performance of individual Broadcasts
  • By Sending Nodes: View the engagement of individual Sending Nodes
Contact List / Broadcast / Sending NodeName of the Contact List / Broadcast / Sending Node
SentTotal recipients involved in the campaign
OpenedNumber of recipients who have opened the email
ClickedNumber of recipients who clicked on a link inside the email

Export Options

Overview: Export the PDF overview of the numbers Delivered: Export the delivered recipients to a CSV file Opened: Export the recipients to a CSV file who have opened the email Clicked: Export the recipients to a CSV file who have clicked on a link Unsubscribed: Export the recipients who have unsubscribed from your contact list(s) Bounced: Export the recipients who had failed delivery Complaints: Export the recipients who have reported as abuse Logs: Export campaign logs Export All: Export all CSV in a zipped file
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