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  4. Feedback Loops

Feedback Loops

Get rid of the problematic subscribers who are reporting you as abuse by processing feedback loops (also known as FBL). The mailbox provider forwards the message complained about back to the sender at a designated email address that has been set up, primarily so that the sender can suppress this user in their database.

Menu Navigation: Setup – Feedback Loops

List Feedback Loops

View the list of all feedback loops that you have created so far.


NameName of the Feedback Loop that you have created
HostHostname of the Feedback Loop mailbox server to connect with
UsernameUsername of the Feedback Loop mailbox
MethodConnection method to connect to the mailbox server i.e POP/IMAP
PortPort of the mailbox server where Feedback Loop email is hosted
Added OnDate when this Feedback Loop mailbox was added
ActionsEdit: Edit this Feedback Loop mailbox
Delete: Delete this Feedback Loop mailbox

Add a Feedback Loop

Adding a Feedback Loop is super easy. You just need to connect the FBL mailbox using POP/IMAP settings.


FBL EmailThe email address of the FBL mailbox
Server HostThe Hostname of the server where the FBL mailbox is hosted
PortPort number of the mailbox server
Mailbox UsernameUsername of the FBL mailbox
Mailbox PasswordThe password of the FBL mailbox
FolderThe folder where incoming complaints land. Default: Inbox
Validate CertificateSelect Yes if the server requires validation of the SSL certificate
EncryptionSelect the right option if the connection to the remote server needs encryption
Delete Emails after ProcessingDelete the complaint messages (emails) once they are processed
Connection MethodChoose the connection method. i.e. POP or IMAP


  • Save & Add New: Save the FBL and stay on the same page to add another
  • Save & Exit: Save the FBL and navigate to the view FBL page
  • Cancel: Cancel the operation and navigate to the view FBL page
  • Validate Connection: Verify if the connection details are functional
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