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  4. Bounce Addresses

Bounce Addresses

A bounce address is the return-path address in your email header that is responsible to receive delivery reports of the failed messages. Without a bounce address, your email isn’t fully qualified and technically it’s the main sender of the email that authenticates SPF (Sender Policy Framework).

While rendering the email message for delivery, Cherub embeds the bounce address into email headers as per your selection during the scheduling process.

Menu Navigation: Setup – Bounce Addresses

View Bounce Addresses

When you navigate to Bounce Address page, you see the following


Bounce AddressThe email address where your want to receive delivery reports of the failed messages (bounced back)
HostThe hostname of the server where bounce email is hosted
UsernameUsername of bounce mailbox
MethodConnection method of bounce mailbox i.e POP or IMAP
PortPort number to connect
ErrorIt displays an error if Cherub is unable to connect to your bounce mailbox
ActionsTest Connection: It opens a popup and starts testing the selected Bounce Addresses Set as Active: Set the bounce address as active Set as Inactive: Set the bounce address as Inactive Export to CSV: Export the bounce address to a CSV file Edit: Edit a bounce address Delete: Edit bounce address

Bulk Actions

  • Test Connection: Test connection for the selected bounce addresses
    Note: If no bounce address is selected then the action will apply on all bounce addresses globally
  • Set as Active: Set the selected bounce addresses as active
  • Set as Inactive: Set the selected bounce addresses as inactive
  • Export to CSV: Export the selected bounce addresses to a CSV file
  • Delete: Delete selected bounce addresses

Type into the search box to search across all bounce addresses

Add a Bounce Address

Click the [+ Add New] button to add a new bounce address.


Bounce Email AddressEmail address where you’ll receive bounces
Process BouncesLet Cherub login to your bounce mailbox, read delivery reports and process them accordingly
ActiveEnable processing of bounced emails
MethodPOP: POP method downloads the emails from Inbox
IMAP: IMAP synchronizes the mailbox and folders
HostThe hostname of the server where bounce email is hosted
UsernameUsername to log in to bounce mailbox
PasswordThe password to login to bounce mailbox
PortPort number of the bounce mailbox server
FolderFolder name to process bounces from. Default: INBOX
Validate CertificateValidate SSL certificate of the bounce mail server
Mail EncryptionEncryption of the incoming bounced emails i.e SSL or TLS
Delete Emails after ProcessingDelete emails from bounce mailbox once they are processed by Cherub
Verify ConnectionIt’s a button to validate bounce authentication if Cherub is able to login to your bounce mailbox

How it works

Bounce cron runs every 2 hours by default however you can modify the processing time in Cron Settings. Once the bounce cron executes, it tries to log in to the bounce mailbox with active status using the saved authentication details. Upon a successful connection, it will look for new/unread emails and start reading them to understand the content. A delivery report email contains important information e.g. message-id of the email, bounce code/reason, and other informative details for tracking purposes. Cherub matches the delivery report of the failed messages within campaign logs and finds which campaign it belongs to and which contact it exactly is, and classifies the contact as soft/hard bounced after finding the matched bounce reason. You are also able to see the bounced emails under the “Bounced” tab in broadcast statistics. Moreover, you can also modify default bounce rules.

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