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A segment is a virtual list of the contacts based on similarities and likelihood. A segment is not an actual list but isn’t less than an actual list as you can perform any action on a segment that you can perform on a contact list. A segment is a series of contacts that are grouped together based on multiple filters e.g people with the first name as Ken or the people who have opened your broadcast from New York or so on.

Menu Navigation: Lists – Segments

When you navigate to the segments page, click on the [+Add New] button and you’ll be taken to a page that looks like the figure below. Input any friendly segment name and choose the type of segment.

Type of Segments

There are two main types of segments that further sublet into a wide range of filters.

  1. Based on Contact Lists
  2. Based on Statistics

Based on Contact Lists

This type of segment allows you to group your contacts across multiple lists based on similar field values and/or statuses. Have a look at the screenshot below then continuing further

Select List

Any Contact List:

This option ignores the list-specific criteria and selects all lists globally. So any filters you apply will search for the contacts across the whole database.

Contact Lists:

It allows you to choose specific/multiple contact lists to find the filtered contacts from.


Segments can also be created on all lists globally that belong to the specific group(s). It will allow you to select the groups instead of lists.

Custom Criteria:

It allows you to apply filters on list names/groups that auto-selects all lists with matching criteria.

Possible Conditions

List Nameis, isn’t, contains, doesn’t containThis is a text field and any value you input here will be matched among all lists names using the operator you select.
Group Nameis, isn’t, contains, doesn’t containAny keywords mentioned here will apply to all groups and eventually will be applied to all contact lists for the matching groups.

Note: Comma-separated values are supported and will be taken as “OR”. e.g “List Name” “is” “Clients, Leads, Customers” means it will select all three lists.


The dropdown of filters carries all fields (pre-defined and custom created) along with all statuses that can be applied.

The table below will let you know the available filter types, operators, and description.

Status Filters
Statusis, isn’tThe contact status i.e active or inactive
Subscription Statusis, isn’tThe contacts that have unsubscribed or not
Confirmation Statusis, isn’tThe contacts with confirmed or unconfirmed status
Complaint Statusis, isn’tThe contacts that have raised a complaint already
Content Formatis, isn’tThe contacts that are set to receive HTML or TEXT format of the email body
Filter by Custom Field & Types
Text Fieldis
doesn’t contain
starts with
ends at
the first alphabet is greater than and equal to
the first alphabet is lesser than and equal to
Any keywords input here will be matched across the selected lists for the chosen operator
  Note: The first alphabet is greater than and equal to filter means all contacts that have chosen custom field value starting from the input keyword. e.g if you select First Name and input “g”, it means you’ll get all contacts that have first names starting from g to z.
Checkboxesis, isn’tAny custom field with a type checkbox will appear as a dropdown of checkboxes
Radio Optionsis, isn’tAny custom field with type radio options will appear as a dropdown
DateExactlyPickup a date and it will just include those contacts that have a matching date for the selected date field.
e.g the people who have birthdays on August 15, 2019
AfterPickup a date and it will bring the contacts having date values for this field greater than the selected one
e.g the people who have birthdays after March 15, 2019
BetweenIt will bring all contacts between the given date range
e.g the people who have birthdays between April 15, 2019, and April 25, 2019
Occurring AfterBring all contacts that have the selected date occurring exactly after “X” [Minutes|Hours|Days|Weeks|Months|Years]
e.g the people who have birthdays exactly after 2 days
Occurred BeforeBring all contacts that have the selected date occurred exactly before “X” [Minutes|Hours|Days|Weeks|Months|Years]
e.g the people who had birthdays exactly before 2 days
For the PastGet all contacts that have the selected date within past “X” [Minutes|Hours|Days|Weeks|Months|Years]
e.g the people who had birthdays in the past 6 months
Older ThanGet all contacts that have the selected date older than “X” [Minutes|Hours|Days|Weeks|Months|Years]
e.g the people who had birthdays before 6 months

Note: You can apply multiple filters on a single segment.

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