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Custom Fields

Custom fields are used to store additional data of your leads/contacts other than just email addresses e.g first/last name, company, country, phone, etc.

Menu Navigation: Lists – Custom Fields

Predefined Custom Fields (Additional Fields)

To make things simpler, you’ll find predefined optional custom fields that are being used more often. The predefined custom fields are categorized as additional fields and contain the following.

Field NameTypeDescription
TitleTextboxTitle of the contact e.g Doctor, Engr, Mr. Mrs., etc
First NameTextboxFirst name of the contact
Last NameTextboxLast name of the contact
Birth DateDateIt’s a date field and insertion just accepts date value
PhoneTextboxIt’s a text field as sometimes the number format contains spaces and hyphens
MobileTextboxMobile number of the contact
CompanyTextboxCompany name of the contact
CountryDropdownSelect the country of the contact from the dropdown
StateTextboxCountry’s state of the contact
CityTextboxCity of the contact
Zip CodeTextboxZipcode if the contact
FaxTextboxFax number of the contact


EditTakes you to the edit page where you can modify the pre-filled values
DeleteIt deletes the custom field

Adding a custom field

On the custom fields page, click on the button [+Add New] that will take you to the custom field form where you can define a new field and assign it to multiple desired contact lists right away.

  • Name: Name of the contact field
  • Field Order: The sorting position/order of the field on adding a contact page
  • Type: Type of the field i.e Text Field, Multiline Text Field, Checkboxes, Dropdown, Radio Options, Date Field, JSON field text Field: This field appears as a textbox while adding a contact to an assigned contact lists
  • Multiline Text Field: This field appears as a textarea to store multi-line information of the contact e.g address
  • Checkboxes: It creates checkboxes of the values you define (separated by newline)
  • Dropdown: It becomes a dropdown of the values you input
  • Radio Options: These values appear as radio options while adding a contact in the list you assign this field to
  • Date Field: Adds a date pickup field and accepts date entries. It can be used to store birthday, due date, etc
  • JSON Field: It adds a textbox that supports decodable JSON string. It’s useful while creating segments based on multiple filters within a single string
  • List of Values: It appears when field type checkboxes or dropdown or radio options have been chosen
  • Required: If selected to Yes, it becomes a mandatory field for adding a contact to the associated list
  • Assign to Contact Lists: The lists you select here, this custom field will be assigned to them. However, you can also assign this field to a list while adding/editing a list.

Snapshots of Field Types:

Text Field

Date Field



Radio Options


Save & Add New: Save the current record and stay on the same page to add another.
Save & Exit: Save the current record and navigate to the custom fields page.
Cancel: Cancel the operation and go back to the custom fields page.

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