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Add Contact List

A contact list is where you can store your leads and their important information. You can add unlimited contact lists that can hold any number of contacts. In this article, you’ll learn how to add a contact list and assign custom fields to it.

Menu Navigation: Lists – Add New List

Before you can add a contact list, you’ll need to make sure that you fulfill the following dependencies.

   1. Sending Domain
   2. Bounce Address

1. Sending Domain

Adding a sending domain is mandatory before you can add a list. A verified sending domain confirms that it belongs to you and properly authenticated.

2. Bounce Address

Without a validated bounce address, the email headers will not be qualified and delivery reports of the failed messages will not be processed.

Required Fields

List NameTextName the contact list you are creating.
GroupTextCreate/select a group you want this list to be sorted in.
Owner NameTextThe person who owns this list. Owner name can also appear in “Mail-From” headers if you select sender info to be fetched from contact list details while scheduling a broadcast.
Owner EmailEmailThe email address of the list owner on one of the confirmed sending domains. It’s important to add the owner’s domain to the Sending Domains before a list can be created on it.
Reply-to EmailEmailThe email address where you want to receive the replies from the recipients.
Bounce EmailEmailThe email address where you want to receive the delivery reports of the failed messages. You need to add this email address to bounce addresses first.

Additional Fields (Optional)

There are pre-defined custom fields that are used more often. However, you can also create custom fields as well and assign them to contact list(s). There are certain field types e.g text, dropdown, checkboxes, etc and each field type has a unique scope.

Field TypeDetails
TextThe text field allows you to store contact’s additional data based on the text value you submit e.g first name, last name, company, etc.
DropdownYou can set a list of pre-defined values and choose one while adding a contact. e.g list of countries
CheckboxesDefine a list of values while adding a custom field and select multiple options while adding a contact.
BulletsDefine a list of options in this custom field type and choose one while adding the contact.

Grouping Contact Lists

Sorting the contact lists into groups is highly useful and keeps everything organized. Groups enable you to see a tree-view structure of all contact lists and re-sort them between different groups by dragging them into others. When you click to add a group, it does accept multiple entries that can also be edited or removed on the View Lists page in tree-view.


Save & Exit: It saves the list and navigates to the “View Lists” page.
Save & Add New: It saves the current list and resets the form to add a new one.
Cancel: It cancels the operation.

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