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  4. Bulk Update Contacts

Bulk Update Contacts

Keep your database up to date by using the bulk update option. This option is useful when you want to synchronize your contacts with your externally updated databases.

Menu Navigation: Contacts – Bulk Update Contacts

Form Fields

SourceSelect file source i.e upload from your computer or choose it from already uploaded files on the server. Physical Location: /storage/users/{userid}/files/imports/subscribers
Select FileSelect the file to be imported
Contact ListSelect the contact list(s) to be updated
ActionSelect the action from the dropdown to be performed
Headers IncludedKeep it to “Yes” if the first row of your file contains headers and it needs to be skipped during import


  • Update to unsubscribed: Update the subscription status to subscribed, that have been previously unsubscribed
  • Update to not unsubscribed: Update the subscription status to unsubscribed
  • Update to soft bounced: Mark the contacts as soft bounced
  • Update to hard bounced: Mark the contacts as hard bounced
  • Update status to active: Update contacts status to active
  • Update status to inactive: Update contacts status to inactive
  • Update confirmation status to confirmed: Mark the contacts as confirmed contacts
  • Update confirmation status to unconfirmed: Mark the contacts as unconfirmed contacts
  • Update format to receive HTML: Update contacts format to HTML so they receive HTML version of the email
  • Update format to receive TEXT: Update contacts format to TEXT so they receive TEXT version of the email

Things to keep in mind

  • The file size you are uploading should be lesser than the value set for upload_max_filesize in the php.ini file
  • The file extension should be a supported extension by Cherub.
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