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  4. Add A Contact

Add A Contact

Add a contact to a list and store additional information of the contact by filling out additional/custom fields.

Menu Navigation: Contacts – Add a Contact

The image below shows a sample “add a contact” form.

Form Fields

Email AddressThe email address of the contact you are going to add
Contact ListSelect the contact list from the dropdown, to which you want to organize this contact
FormatThe format is a variation of the broadcast this contact will receive i.e HTML or TEXT version
ConfirmationAdd this contact as a confirmed subscriber or unconfirmed Unconfirmed contacts will not receive the broadcasts until they are confirmed!
StatusSet the status of this contact as Active or Inactive Inactive contacts will not receive the emails from Cherub
BouncedAdd the contact as “Not Bounced”. Setting as hard bounced will prevent this contact from receiving the emails
UnsubscribedAdd the contact as “No”. Setting to “Yes” will prevent the contact from receiving any email

Additional/Custom Fields

When you select the contact list from the dropdown, it will expand all additional/custom fields that have been assigned to this contact list.

Additional Fields: These are the predefined fields that you have assigned to the list.
Custom Fields: These are the fields that you have created yourself (other than the predefined fields)


Save: Save the contact information and go back to the view contacts page for the selected list.
Save & Add New: Save the contact information and stay on the same page to add another contact.

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