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Split Test

The ability to create different variants of your campaign and then testing these variants in laboratory settings will help you generate significantly improved results.

Menu Navigation: Campaigns – Split Tests

 List all Split Tests

When you click on the split tests link inside Cherub, you’ll be taken to the page as it appears below

Table Fields

NameName of the split test
Based onContact Lists: Find the best performing contact list
Broadcasts: Find the best variant of your broadcast
ElementsThe names of contact lists or broadcasts involved in a split test
Selection CriteriaBased on open rate Based on click-through rate
Created onDate/time when this split test was created
ActionsEdit: Edit this split test
Delete: Delete this split test

Add New Split Test

Click on the [+ Add New] button and you’ll be taken to the page where you can add a new split test as appears below.

Form Fields

Field NameDescription
Split Test NameName of the split test being created
Based onBroadcasts: Choose the best variant of the broadcast
Contact Lists: Choose the best performing contact list
ElementsSelect a minimum two of the broadcasts or contact lists (as per the selection above)
Winning CriteriaOpen Rate: Choose the winning element based on the maximum open rate
Click-through Rate: Choose the winning element based on the maximum click-through rate
Click-through Rate for a specific hyperlink: Choose the winning element based on the maximum click-through rate for a specific hyperlink.
Decision PercentageEmails will be sent in equal groups to this % of elements selected
Send Remaining AfterTime duration to wait for the results before finding the winning element
Action to PerformFind winning element and update the results Find winning element and send leftover to it

How to Start Split Test?

If you are wondering how to start a split test, go to Actions -> Schedule and choose the Campaign Type as “Split Test” from the dropdown on Step 1.

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