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Dynamic Content Tags

Dynamic Content Tag offers a tool to make your email marketing more intelligent. It helps you practically implement data-driven email marketing for improving email engagements. Use of the contact details from the data fields can’t be better and more initiative than this. You draw rules for the contacts with similar details and layout a separate content that can match their preferences and behavior, and CampaignsPlus takes care of the rest. Let’s see how it works.

Menu Navigation: Campaigns – Dynamic Content Tags

 List Dynamic Content Tags

Below snapshot is a view of the dynamic content tags list.

Table Fields

Field NameDescription
Dynamic TagName/placeholder of the Dynamic Content Tag
If Criteria MetContent to embed if the dynamic content criteria is met
ElseContent to embed if the dynamic content criteria is not met
Added onDate when this dynamic content tag was added
ActionsEdit or Delete this dynamic content tag

Add a Dynamic Content Tag Form Fields

Field NameDescription
NameName of the dynamic content tag
Unit RulesConditions of the criteria to meet
If Criteria MetContent to embed if criteria is met
ElseContent to embed if criteria isn’t met
Insert VariablesSystem Variables Sender Name: It inserts the name of the sender who is sending the email (depends upon the selection of sender-info while scheduling the broadcast) Sender Email: Inserts the email address of the sender Recipient Email: Inserts the email address of the recipient receiving the email Reply-to Email: Inserts the email address mentioned in Reply-To of the sender-info Bounce Email: Also known as Return Path. It inserts the email address that is set to receive bounces in sender-info Today’s Date: Inserts today’s date Web Version: It inserts a unique URL that takes the recipient to the web version of the email List Name: Inserts the name of the list to which recipient belongs List ID: Inserts the ID of the list to which recipient belongs Message ID: Inserts the realtime generated message-id of the email going out Campaign ID: Inserts ID of the broadcast Sending Domain: Inserts the sending domain as appear in sender-info of the selected criteria Confirmation Link: Inserts a unique URL that updates the contact’s status as confirmed (upon click) Unsubscribe Link: Inserts a unique link that sets the recipient subscription status as Unsubscribed Additional Fields Contact ID: Inserts ID of the contact Other Additional/Custom Field: Inserts the value of additional/custom field (if any) Spintags: Inserts one random value from the list of values for the selected spintag

How its Work?

When you add a dynamic content tag, it gets available in the dropdown list of dynamic tags which adding a broadcast as appear in the snapshot below. Dynamic tags are the variables inside double [[ ]] brackets e.g [[newyork-city]] as I created one above. When Cherub sees [[ ]] brackets, it considers it as a dynamic content tag and starts rendering in realtime while sending out emails. Buttons:

Save & Add New: Save the current submission and add another dynamic content tag
Save & Exit: Save the current submission and return to the dynamic content tags page
Cancel: Cancel the current operation

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