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Broadcast is an email template that your recipients will receive, and it carries TEXT/HTML body content. You can create as many broadcasts as you want. Moreover, Cherub has a Drag & Drop email builder addon that can let you create beautiful and responsive email templates in minutes.

Menu Navigation: Campaigns – Broadcasts

Above picture is a sample view of the Broadcasts page and carries the following columns

  • Name: Friendly name of the broadcast you have created
  • Group: Name of the assigned group
  • Subject: Subject line of the broadcast
  • Added on: Date when this list was added
  • Actions
    • Edit: Edit the broadcast
    • Delete: Delete the broadcast
    • Duplicate: Make a copy of this broadcast and content

Bulk Actions (Tools)

  Delete: You can select multiple broadcasts and delete them at once

Use the search box as shown in the picture below to search from all broadcasts

Add New Broadcast

Click on the [+ Add New] button as shown in the picture above to create a new broadcast and you’ll be asked to select a method

1. HTML Editor

We use the world-famous and feature-enriched CKeditor to let you create/design your broadcasts.

2. Drag and Drop Builder (Addon)

When using Drag and Drop Builder, instead of CKeditor, you’ll see a big button saying “Edit Content Area” that will redirect you to the email builder to insert your beautifully created template into the HTML content area.

You’ll be taken to the Email Builder that allows you to select from the pre-built modules and drag them to the content area on the right side. The modules can be rearranged by dragging up and down and can be edited by clicking on the text or double-clicking on an image. You can easily change any styles and background images as well.

Once you have designed the email template, click on the insert button to get it inserted into the HTML version of your broadcast being created and continue completing the rest.

3. Import From a URL

It will ask you to provide a URL from where Cherub can fetch the content and insert it into the HTML version of the broadcast as appear in the snapshot below.


  • Group: Select the group or create one by clicking the [+] sign
  • Broadcast Name: Give a friendly name to this broadcast for identification
  • Email Subject: Subject line of the email that your recipient will receive
  • HTML Body: HTML content of the email
  • TEXT Body: Text version of the email
  • Variables
    • System Variables
      • Sender Name: It inserts the name of the sender who is sending the email (depends upon the selection of sender-info while scheduling the broadcast)
      • Sender Email: Inserts the email address of the sender
      • Recipient Email: Inserts the email address of the recipient receiving the email
      • Reply-to Email: Inserts the email address mentioned in Reply-To of the sender-info
      • Bounce Email: Also known as Return Path. It inserts the email address that is set to receive bounces in sender-info
      • Today’s Date: Inserts today’s date
      • Web Version: It inserts a unique URL that takes the recipient to the web version of the email
      • List Name: Inserts the name of the list to which recipient belongs
      • List ID: Inserts the ID of the list to which recipient belongs
      • Message ID: Inserts the realtime generated message-id of the email going out
      • Campaign ID: Inserts ID of the broadcast
      • Sending Domain: Inserts the sending domain as appear in sender-info of the selected criteria
      • Confirmation Link: Inserts a unique URL that updates the contact’s status as confirmed (upon click)
      • Unsubscribe Link: Inserts a unique link that sets the recipient subscription status as Unsubscribed
    • Additional Fields
      • Contact ID: Inserts ID of the contact
      • Other Additional/Custom Field: Inserts the value of additional/custom field (if any)
    • Spintags: Inserts one random value from the list of values for the selected spintag
    • Copy as Text: Auto-creates a TEXT version of the HTML content and inserts it into textarea
  • Tools
    • Spam Score: Tells you spam score of your email content to enhance deliverability
  • Attachments: Drop the files here you want to be attached to this broadcast

Emojis (Addon)

Click on the smiley face to insert emojis within the subject line to make it impressive.


Save: Save the broadcast and navigate back to the broadcasts page
Save and Keep Editing: Save the broadcast and stay on the same page to keep editing the current broadcast
Save and Add New: Save the broadcast and add another one
Cancel: Cancel and return of the broadcasts page

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